6 Books for Actors

Over the years, working as a professional actor, there have been a handful of books that I’ve found very helpful. You might find them useful too.

  1. 1. True and False - a controversial, and some might say hypocritical, book by David Mamet on acting and actor training.  A must read for anyone considering going to school for acting.

  2. 2.Truth in Comedy - the improvisation bible, which goes beyond just comedy and gets to the heart of all acting.

  3. 3. Audition - the bible for audition technique that actually can help make you a better actor too. (go figure)

  4. 4. The Four Agreements - a book that teaches simple, practical tools to withstand the psychological battering of life in the business.  I know many actors for whom this book has been a life saver.  

  5. 5. Tips: Ideas for Actors - love this book - maybe the most important one on the list - full of great suggestions that will help you from the beginning to the end of your career in almost all facets - smart and practical.  Drawn from many lifetimes in acting.

  6. 6. Zen in the Art of Archery - one of my favorite books of all time.  I think my other suggestions cover the heart and mind of acting - this one covers the soul, not just of acting, but of any art - including the art of life.

If you find this list helpful or have suggestions to add let me know!